By Dolores Van Rensalier Warren
Over 200 neighborhood community leaders, YMCA staff, and board members celebrated longtime JRYMCA’s Executive Director, Michael Brunker last Friday, September 6th with the dedication of the newly renamed Michael Brunker Gymnasium in his honor.
While the community waited for the ceremony to begin, a “self-serve lunch” was provided, allowing attendees to pile their plates as desired, returning back to the Michael Brunker Gymnasium black souvenir water bottle placed in front of each person at the table.
Brunker, who served the organization for twenty-two years before retiring in 2019 to later head MichaelBrunker.net, transformed the JRYMCA into the thriving community center local families enjoy today.
The memorable program included speeches from the Jackie Robinson YMCA family; JRYMCA’s current Executive Director, Anna Arancibia; and JRYMCA’s Board Emeritus, Dr. Eugene Bailey, a video presentation for the guest of honor, Michael Brunker, and testimonials from the community who all have been touched by Mr. Brunker, pointing out his many achievements.
A huge standing ovation and a loud appreciative round of applause were given before Michael Brunker stepped to the mic.
After thanking everyone formally, Mr. Brunker walked with the microphone around the large room, passing by every table and telling everyone how each person was so helpful throughout his time at the YMCA.
Congratulations, Mr. Brunker!