By Edward Henderson
Ephesians 6:24 says ‘Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love’. These days love seems anything but incorruptible. However, Jazmin Steele has taken part of this scripture and used it to title her newest book and set a standard for the type of love she wants readers to have for themselves.
‘Love Incorruptible: A Woman’s Reflective Journey to Freedom’ tells the story of Brooklen, a woman who comes to a fork in the road where she has to decide if she wants to live a discontented life or take a leap of faith and chance the life she was really created to live. Confined by the chains of a toxic marriage, Brooklen goes on a journey into her past to heal the wounds of her childhood to help her face the many challenges that arise with leaving her old life behind.
Brooklen’s character and the events that transpire in the book are loosely based on real life occurrences in Steele’s journey through love, loss, and self-discovery.
“I knew the book would be used to help other women, but I didn’t know how,” said Steele. “I didn’t write it right away because I hadn’t lived out all of the content. A lot of that stuff I personally hadn’t experienced yet. The infidelity in her marriage sparked Brooklen making the decision in her life to make a change. That’s what really sets her off in her healing journey. I really used the pain I was experiencing in my marriage as a way to release the art. It was difficult to write it because it was happening in real life. The purging in the writing is what helped me get through the painful part.”
Born and raised in San Diego, Steele is a mother of three children and worked as an entrepreneur for the past 10 years of her life. Writing was a talent that wasn’t discovered until she was an adult. However, when the challenges arose in her marriage, she felt like her story was one that could be transformed into work of fiction that would be healing for herself and whoever read it.
“Writing is therapy for me. A way to process. We have to find a way to process our feelings and our thoughts. This book came upon me encouraged me to write a book. When the opportunity came, it was the perfect storm.”
Steele hitched a ride on this literary storm and completed the book in six months.
“I believe this book is for the woman who is ready to take her life into her own hands and live the life she wants to live. As women, we get thrown in to roles early on in life. We get taught how to play with dolls, cook, clean and assume these roles and we’re told what to do most of our lives. We fall into these boxes who may not be who we really are. This book is for the woman who is ready to get out of that box, find out who she is, and live a life of freedom.”
Today is the final day for her IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for the publishing and distribution for ‘Love Incorruptible’. You can donate and receive perks along with other special rewards for your generosity here.
“I believe that men and women will have a message that will be pertinent for them to hear and the transparency will be refreshing for those who get to be part of this project. Men are really trying to find out the mind of a woman. Trying to figure out how to think and who they are emotionally. Where they’re looking for that change. They too can be in a place where they are ready to look into the mirror and do the work it takes to change their lives.”