Lessons We are Learning From the Flood Crisis

It's also a wakeup call to the citizens both as victims and helpers, that there needs to be closer monitoring of city officials and politicians.

Dr. Warren Editorial

By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher,  San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper

There has not been an occasion during the last four decades that brought the Southeastern San Diego community together like the floods last week. This statement is made with full regard for the fires that swept this county 20 years ago; but those fires did not hit the Southeastern community. While we are proud of the team work and the outpouring of hearts and resources to help victims of this crisis, we are equally sharing our awareness of what was not done to impact or reduce this crisis. Things like the cleaning of Chollas Creek; the lie that special permits were needed from the Feds while the Feds and the Water Authority indicated that such flexible permits were issued to the City in 2021.

In every bad situation, there is the opportunity for some good. The good news here is that all this comes less than 35 days before the California Primary. The chance to make some changes is before us. What’s important is that the people with boots on the ground are not working for anyone’s campaign or political party. It’s about neighbor helping neighbor. It’s also a wakeup call to the citizens both as victims and helpers, that there needs to be closer monitoring of city officials and politicians.

Now we know that every citizen should be aware of the Office of Emergency Services at the city level, and the County’s Emergency Services; we should have more members of these communities serving as First Responders so that they can look out for their community in times of crisis just as others do.

Following this crisis, we clearly need a “Community Emergency Service Plan” created by the very people doing the boots on the ground work right now. Once this crisis is over, we must start preparing for the next one because surely there will be another. For now, let us focus on getting some hotel nights for our homeless neighbors, keeping the food, water, clothing and services coming as long as needed and adding our personal dollars where possible to the hotel nights being purchased for those in need. 

The Voice & Viewpoint, on behalf of Black Men & Women United, is collecting a list of persons who want to make hotel night donations by check, cash, credit cards. The link is www.sdhiphop5k.com/san-diego-disaster-relief. The rains are coming. This is in addition to whatever the San Diego Housing Commission does, since there are so many in need of help.

Please let us hear from  you by email, telephone or just dropping by to help. Donations can go to the Jackie Robinson YMCA or to the Educational Cultural Complex (ECC).