For many people, loss is a very painful but constant reality. Local educator, photographer, journalist and son of San Diego, Brandon S. Johnson is hoping to, in his own way tackle that issue in a magical way. He is currently reaching out to the community to assist in the completion of his very first children’s book, August & the Wind.
Having lost his mother as a teenager and his son in 2012, Brandon has been on a mission to make them both proud. He’s dedicated his life to travel, family, art and children, and has blended all of those elements into this book. “Inspired by the loss of my mother and my son, August, whom the book is named after, August & the Wind, is a story about a boy who loses his mother to the sky and goes around the world, climbing the highest things he can find searching for her,” Brandon shares. “The story ultimately ends in a beautiful way and is a reminder that, even in their absence, a mother’s love is as strong as the wind.” As we know there is an eternal lack of Black characters in children’s books and there are not many that deal with the issue of losing a parent. “My hope is to add August to the growing pool of young Black characters, and provide a source of encouragement and wonder to every little boy or girl out their on their own journey,” he says.
While touching on what many would deem a heavy subject, Brandon thought it important that that he add in a bit of magic and adventure to this story, while also introducing children to a few of his favorite places in the world. The book combines illustrations done by Qasima Wideman, with some of his own photography from his international journeys. “Travel has become, not only one of my greatest coping mechanisms, but it has also given me an amazing opportunity to get to know other cultures, and ways of life. I’ve been to 15 countries so far and am not close to slowing down. Culturally, travel is not encouraged enough in our communities, but it is absolutely life changing. If I can spark a small curiosity in exploring the world in the minds of young people and adults, that is a great thing!”
His greatest desire is to get this book into the hands of foster youth organizations, and any child and adult who loves good story telling, travel, who’s experienced loss, or just believes in a young man trying to do a positive thing. He only has about a month to hit his funding goal. If the funding goal isn’t met by the final day, no one will be charged a dime but the book may never see the light of day. To donate, pre-order a book or buy one and have it donated to a child on your behalf please visit his Kickstarter page, watch the video, check out the rewards and SPREAD THE WORD! Visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2006323871/august-and-the-wind-for-anyone-whos-ever-lost-some