Nationwide — The Explore Microsoft Internship Program is a 12-week summer internship program that is specifically designed for college underclassmen (freshmen and sophomores) and offers the opportunity to experience working at Microsoft. This program is designed to expose students to the field of software development and encourage students to pursue degrees in computer science, computer engineering, or related technical disciplines through hands-on training and group project experience.
Candidates must be a freshman or sophomore enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program with a demonstrated interest in majoring in computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, or related technical major. Students must have completed an Introduction to Computer Science course (or equivalent class) as well as one semester of calculus (or equivalent) by the start of the program. Finalists will be selected on the basis of eligibility and demonstrated interest in the software industry.
All candidates who meet the above criteria may apply, but they especially encourage applications from groups currently underrepresented in the field of computer science – women, minorities (African American, American Indian, Hispanic), and individuals with disabilities.
For more details and/or to apply, visit:
For other internship opportunities, visit: