RBI Comes to San Diego


By Darrel Wheeler
Staff Writer

Lincoln High School’s baseball field was buzzing with activity two weekends ago with community little leaguers, coaches, sports-organizers and MLB hopefuls.

Some of the best baseball talent in California was invited to 4777 Imperial Avenue for a great opportunity to showcase their skills in a professional atmosphere in front of major league scouts.

“This showcase was by invitation only, these high school kids are definitely some of the best players in California, and next time we might open it up for all comers,” said Rich Curry of RBI.

Major league baseball, LaChica-Sports, the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation and RBI-director David James joined forces to help revive baseball in the inner city and evaluate some regional talent. They started the day with a clinic for boys and girls ages 8-13, the youngsters were taught baseballs fundamental, keeping a positive attitude, good sportsmanship and having some fun. After the completion of the kid’s clinic it was batter-up for the big boys.

The big boys were tested for their throwing distance–accuracy, speed, fielding and hitting abilities. In the process of being evaluated the players also received some valuable baseball instructions from the pro-scouts, volunteers and coaches that were there trying to help them reach their fullest potential.

“I learned some valuable things today that I think will help me this season. In baseball its always more to learn. Most of us were kind of nervous, but I think by the next showcase we will be a little more relax,” said Clifford Smith-Helix High School.

“Lincoln was very accommodating. This was the best place to have this event. We really appreciate them and everything went great,” said Angela Lachica of LaChica sports.

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The ‘Hive’ was definitely alive with baseball fever thanks to RBI and their collaborators.