Robert Earl Smith was born in Hazlehurst, Mississippi on April 24, 1952 to Anna Lee Newson and Claude Smith Sr. Robert came from a large family of 24 children. Robert obtained his high school education in Mississippi. He moved to San Diego, CA in early 1970.
Robert was baptized at the 69th St. Church of Christ under Minister John Lawson Sr. in 1995, and was a member until his passing June 11, 2023.
Robert started working construction as a mason in 1970. He worked for Foundation Builder as a blueprint reader and was known as the “BEST” layout, form builder, and cement finisher in the business. He also trained his workers to be like him. Robert drove backhoes, bobcat and other construction equipment and heavy-duty vehicles. Robert worked for many other construction companies and was a contractor and foreman for Nielson Construction Company, Archie Tinsley, and Rufus Whitaker. Robert was in construction for over forty-seven years until his health began to fail. Robert was a true mastermind in his work.
Robert was good to all who knew him. A provider to his wife Barbara and a loving, protective family man. He told funny jokes that could make you cry laughing. His favorite color was blue; which to him symbolized loyalty, inspiration, and confidence and he showed it throughout his life.
Robert Earl Smith married Eyvette Jackson and to this union they had one son, Robert
(Poky) Smith Jr., who lived 27 years until his untimely passing, preceding Robert in death.
Robert leaves behind the best and loving and kind wife in which he thought a man could ever have. His children; daughter Vaneisha Alexander, son in-law Ernest, son Kevin Wyatt, and his wife Tracy Landry, daughter Ivore Wyatt and, four grandchildren, seven great grandchildren; Willie Ray Smith, Cathy Smith, Johnny Ray Smith, Jessie Smith Sr., Lola Smith, Claude Smith Jr., Ernestine Smith, Ezra Ruth Smith, Bobby “Bob” Smith, Oneda Wesley Albert, Janice Johnson, Kim Stubb, Johnny Stubb, Katherine Terrell, her husband Bobby, Laverne Powell, and husband Willie, Patricia Pittman, Robin Smith and wife Dorothy, Edward Earl Smith, Billy Smith and his wife Pam, a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, best friend Robert Washington, and favorite nephews Vince Washington, Jessie Smith Jr., who all are mourning Robert’s passing to life into the bosom of Abraham.