A Community Town Hall meeting discussing SB277 and similar bills effects on a local, state and federal level regarding mandating vaccines. Presenters will question, is SB277 a potential gateway to increased loss of rights and further future mandates. We will deliver the science, facts, evidence and share the public’s personal experiences.
Dr. Bob Sears, Melissa Floyd, Dr. Tyson Perez and Tim Donnelly will start the educational day with talks about the new laws that have passed and are being passed in the California legislature and around the country. They will address how these laws impact public health, the schools, your family and your career. Public question and answer session will end the meeting. Following the Town Hall meeting will be a Family symposium. Medical professionals, lawyers, physical therapists, and holistic practitioners, will present topics related to family health and wellness. There will be a parents panel discussion mid-day with Becky Estepp, Amy Mitten-Smith and others on family impacts. The all day event will end with a free showing of “Trace Amounts”. Throughout the day there will be referendum signings, collections and trainings. The entire day is free and open to the public at the Innovations Academy in Poway, September 5thth, 2015 from 10:00am – 7:00pm.
The Supreme Court in 2011 deemed vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe products.” The CDC has stated they are they are unsafe in 2010 and safe in 2015. No true prospective, randomized and controlled study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations to determine safety. Yet, California legislatures passed SB277 and are passing SB792 and AB1117 that will be mandating vaccinations on the CDC vaccine schedules for infants, children and adults. They have removed the rights of informed consent, personal belief and religious belief while creating segregation and discrimination within the schools. These bills have been named and positioned as “gateway bills” by the CDC. At the June emergency town hall meeting in LA, RFK Jr. said “as parents, informed consent is the last protection we have”. We will discuss why there is no compelling state interest for the elimination of these rights and how these laws impact families, children in school, jobs and businesses at the Townhall. The family symposium will provide a variety of presentations that discuss in depth the science of vaccines, the true statistics, the ingredients and side effects, individuals personal experiences with the issue along with holistic health care workshops. Free childcare programs will be provided that feature creative play, crafts, and alternative exercise, such as yoga and Brain Gym.
Each presenter will allow for dynamic conversation and questions following the topic. Political officials and representatives and organization professionals will be attending in support of the event.
WHERE: Innovation Academy, 10380 Spring Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131
WHEN: Saturday, September 5th, 2015
Press Check-in: 9:45 p.m. Meeting: 10:00 p.m. Q&A Panel: 11:45 p.m.
TOWN HALL WEBSITE: http://www.facebook.com/events/548513825302956/
Summer Boger [email protected] 760-840-7738
Christine Scullion-Guerreiro [email protected] 619-865-7585
Michele Rooney [email protected] 858-775-3723