By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper
The Conservative Right (also called the Political Right), which has made Donald Trump its standard bearer, would have us believe that the Minority it represents reflects the views of the Majority of Americans. Nothing could be further from the truth, as evidenced by State after State rejecting Trump candidates for office in state elections, as well as the many state actions to codify a woman’s right to abortions in opposition to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision reversing Roe vs. Wade on the right to an abortion.
The Conservative Right would have us believe that we do not live in democracy and that our Constitution, as the governing document for our society, is wrong with its emphasis on a separation of powers into three branches of government providing checks and balances that prevent absolute rule by either of the three. Yet, the Conservative Right, hiding behind Project 2025, as its master plan to make Donald Trump Ruler and King instead of duly elected President if he should win this November’s General Election, would have us abolish our separation of powers under the Constitution. Instead, the Trump-stacked Supreme Court would overturn established safeguards, allow the abolishment of established Cabinet Offices, consolidate powers within the Presidency, and impose Martial Law against all who disagree with the President.
Question, if America only has a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy as the Conservative Right claims, then how is the proposed destruction of that Republic better than the Democracy that supposedly does not exist? What we do know is this: Members of the Conservative Right, who have taken an oath of office as elected members of the U.S. Congress under our Democracy and Constitutional Republic, have acted and are acting in total disregard of the oath they took. That oath, among other things, was one in which they swore to “Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
It appears that these individuals, as elected officials and members of the Republican Party, have engaged in acts of Conspiracy. The Constitution does not permit their conduct to fall within the definition of “Treason”. “Conspiracy” is as close as we can come to a crime against the government. Nothing is more evident of their disregard for the Oath of Office they took than their mass support of a convicted felon for the Office of President of the United States.
In conclusion, we must listen very carefully to what people say as their interpretation of our Constitutional principles. Our system of government, which has elected men of character and integrity and with a love for this country and our constitution, must not be discarded because of the loud noise and misinterpretation of our founding documents by a Conservative Right Minority, even if some already hold offices to which they no longer pledge or give allegiance.
Stand with the Constitution, not the Conspirators.
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