By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper
This Fifth Annual Minority Health Special Issue contains some information that expands upon what we have done in the last four years by not only providing some key updates on Blacks and African Americans as well as the other major ethnic groups, but also including a number of excerpts from surveys, articles and reports concerning Minority Health. This issue is a compilation of information gathered from a number of sources such as the Office of Minority Health within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the San Diego County Department of Health and Human Services, as well as other resources listed below. All of our information is in the public domain.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint has enjoyed a partnership with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency which has allowed us to not only share information during the pandemic and since in all areas of healthcare. This year we are providing more information on mental health because of the growth in need and services referred to as behavioral science.
While, this year, we continue looking at the five major minority groups in our discussions of minority health, we are still seriously missing more detailed information on our African populations, even though we refer to Black and African American people when referring to the research. The groups identified in this issue are Black/ African American, Asian American, American Indian/ Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander. Members of these groups can be found here in San Diego County and all are affected by the health issues we are about to discuss. To follow is a brief profile of each group. This will better help us understand the health disparities experienced by each of them.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exploded into a global crisis with particular impact on people of color. As you probably know by now, the death rate has been highest among many of those who were frontline workers. Many of these were people of color. We have covered some of the economic impacts.
The Voice & Viewpoint deeply appreciates the assistance and support it has received from the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency in particular and all those who have contributed to this particular issue. We welcome your feedback and remind you that this issue is available online.