Dr. Emanuel Whipple, Sr., beloved pastor of the historic Calvary Baptist Church transitioned on Friday, January 8, 2021 from a brief illness, non-Covid-19 related. Born in Miami-Dade County Florida on January 15, 1962, he was called to preach at the tender age of 13. Dr. Whipple was determined not to be just a preacher but a well – prepared preacher. He was seminary trained and awarded an earned a Doctorate of Theology. Prior to being called to the pastorate at Calvary in December of 2011, he was the shepherd of the flock at Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church in South Florida for 19 years.
He is survived by his wife of 9 years, Dr. Tamica Williams- Whipple, 3 siblings and 8 children. Services in California are pending with the final resting place in Miami, Florida.