By Edward Henderson
On Sunday, January 22nd, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the San Diego Pregnancy Care Clinic on 4130 Alpha St. in Southeast. The clinic will provide pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and educational resources for women who are deciding how to handle their pregnancy.
“This organization is not about convincing people to keep their baby, it’s actually an education model where we give them the information they need to make the choice,” said Josh McClure, Executive Director of Pregnancy Care Clinic. “Nobody likes to be told what to do. We give them the information with the love of Jesus so they know that there are people who care about them and the decision they’re making then step back and say ‘it’s up to you.’”
If a woman chooses to parent, the clinic provides material resources such as blankets and clothes for the first two years of the child’s life. They will also provide referrals to surrounding churches who also have additional resources and support. If a woman chooses adoption, agency referrals are also available.
If woman chooses abortion, the clinic provides after abortion healing sessions for women and men lead by facilitators who have been through an abortion as well.
“The clinic opening is a blessing,” said Brianna Thomas, Client Services Director for the clinic. “Southeast San Diego is aborting %50 percent of their babies. Our clinic being here is going to be something that will put a speed bump in the middle of that and provide them some education so going forward we can lower that number to zero.”
In order to get the word out about the clinic and the services it provides, advocates reach out to churches and community members to raise awareness in an effort to establish trust. The clinic is also currently looking for volunteer nurses for short hours and client advocates.
Alison Lyon, Lead Nurse for the clinic, started off as a volunteer 5 years ago and now holds a permanent position.
“Volunteering at the clinic has been very life changing for me. It’s allowed me to meet some amazing spiritually likeminded people from all different walks of life. We pray together at lunch every day. Not only are we helping the clinic, but we support one another as well. For people who are looking to volunteer not only get to help clients, but they become a part of this community as well.”
For more information on the clinic and for opportunities to volunteer or donate materials, call (619) 326-8595 or visit their website at supportpcc.com