Submission Deadline Draws Near for Inclusive Language Art Competition with $10,000 Prize

“The prize money is meant to encourage more people to take language and the sentiments behind the language we use more seriously,” Dr. Richmond said.

Afro Future Con and Afrofuturism Lounge Flyer

San Diego, CA — A family-friendly art competition encourages participants to explore inclusive language and ideas. The event launched during Biz Con 2024 by Afro Future Coun and Afrofuturism Lounge will award $10,000 for the best art depictions of the theme.

Art can be submitted by completing this form and the deadline for entry is June 30, 2024.

Art styles can range from 2D to 3D visual art in any medium. The contest is offered by Origins of Alphabets Afrofuturism Lounge & Afro Future Con. Winning entrees will be displayed WHERE? Finalists will be presented at Afrofuturism Lounge, July 25, 2024 at the University club and final winners will be selected and awarded this Labor Day Weekend (August 31st and September 1st) at the Educational Cultural Complex. The grand prize winner  will have the opportunity to be featured in an advertising campaign promoting inclusive language.

Inclusive language is about replacing cliché’s such as blackmail, black list and the dark side with alternatives that don’t focus on color, which can too often lead to harmful stereotypes of people.

Afro Future Con and Afrofuturism Lounge are centered on providing a platform for visionary thought leaders and experts.

Dr. LaWana Richmond, presents “Afrofuturism as an Inclusive framework for Innovation as well as Social and Economic Progress.”

She agreed to spearhead the inclusive art after being approached by Jennifer Ball of Origin of Alphabets and realizing it resonates and aligns with the values and ideals of Afrofuturism. The prize money is being provided by Jennifer Ball and Origin of Alphabets.

“The prize money is meant to encourage more people to take language and the sentiments behind the language we use more seriously,” Dr. Richmond said. “Words have power. They have the power to uplift and the power to depress. Words matter and in this world so does money. It’s not a perfect analogy but we hope this encourages more participation and more thoughtful submissions.”

Follow the hashtag #ChangeLanguageChangeMinds to view submissions.

Afro Future Con and Afrofuturism Lounge are offered by produced by Firyali, Inc. and benefit Grioneers, Inc. a San Diego based, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization/launched by Dr. Richmond, who also founded Afrofuturism Dream Tank and Afrofuturism Lounge, an annual event that coincides with San Diego Comic Con.

“GrioNeers supports, uplifts, and creates culturally responsive spaces for people of all ages and races locally, nationally and globally to share and leverage their limitless collective talent to accelerate ideas, science, art and other Afrofuturistic ventures,” Dr. Richmond said. “We’re making possible an intellectual and creative convergence of thought, skills and resources that contributes to a more equitable and exciting future for everyone.”

Learn more about Grio’Neers events and the inclusive art competition at