By Malachi Kudura, Contributing Writer, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, The Soul Swap Meet promotes local black owned business vendors at Koby’s Swap Meet on Sports Arena. A few of the featured vendors on hand were Rose Reggae, Keelaz Ankara Boutique, Krouned Body Care, Royalty Life, B Smooth body scrubs, Superfantastic Creative Designs and “An ABC Prayer from Me to You” by author/poet Kaila Oliver.
The Soul Swap Meet was created by founder Shala Waines, “To create an avenue for black entrepreneurs to generate income by way of using their own passions. Actually, stepping out there to become their own bosses. Be the face of their own creations and products.” (Source: ShoutoutSocal)
One of the black vendors there was Rose’s Reggae, who has been doing business in San Diego for over 20 years. When asked the secret to her business longevity she said, “Consistency is key, my customers’ needs are top priority. If they are looking for an item I don’t have, I simply tell them to come back next week and I’ll have it.” She continued, “Marcus Garvey is my inspiration to work for self and I don’t like working for anyone. I have no hidden agenda, only to push and promote our culture.”
Another vendor was Krouned Body Care, all-natural organic skincare. When asked how they started this business Cleopatra Davis said, “I first created an organic Skin Relief Cream for my son due to having severe eczema and the medicines prescribed were no longer effective. I then saw then need for more all-natural skin care and hair products with all ingredients listed on package.” Both she and her husband served in the military and have two kids they look to pass down their entrepreneur energy to.
The Soul Swap Meet is here to inspire “The Dreamer” and “The Supporters of the Dream”. It is important to get back to the mentality of Black Wall Street, black people, recycling our dollars with black businesses to support black families. Platforms like this are needed to help promote our brands and products to our people.