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First Black Health App For iPhone and Android Released Along with African American Greeting Card App


3-1-2013-2-24-56-PM-10573174Savvier Health, LLC is pleased to announce the first African American health app for Android and iPhone. Total Health for African American Christians takes a mind, body, and spirit approach to healing some of the most devastating health conditions plaguing African Americans today.

“There are literally hundreds of thousands of apps on the market today, so I was very surprised to find ‘no results’ when I searched the App Store for African American and Black health apps, especially when there are so many issues that impact us disproportionately,” says A. Maria Hester, M.D., principal of Savvier Health, LLC.

She goes on to say, “I have seen far too many people suffer needlessly and die prematurely. It’s simply heartbreaking. I couldn’t rest knowing how many patients and their families were devastated by treatable, sometimes preventable diseases, so while still in medical school, over 20 years ago, I got busy writing my first book, Bridging the Gaps: An African American Guide to Health and Self-Empowerment, and I have been trying to empower people ever since.”

Common medical conditions, and their toll on the black community, are the key focus of this app. Topics are presented in a concise, easy-tounderstand format, and include a list of risk factors – many of which can be modified – an action plan to stay well, and helpful links so users can gain more in-depth knowledge.

Since complete health also requires spiritual and emotional well-being, Dr. Hester included sections to enlighten and motivate users to live less stressful, more spirit-filled lives.

On a lighter note, Express is a unique greeting card app chock-full of electronic cards featuring African American photos, art, and poetry by the late Gerdine Newsome. Cards run the gamut from simple birthday greetings to thought provoking poems. Users can even send friends and loved ones reminders to see the doctor or get a mammogram. Both apps allow users to record and e-mail voice memos and text notes directly from the app.

For more details about the Total Health for African American Christians and Express apps, visit www. savvierhealth.net/apps.html

Courtesy of Columbia, MD Black News

Federally Mandated Sequestration Affects San Diego


washington_money_mgnThe Federal Sequestration, which went into effect on March 1, affects not only the nation as a whole, but the San Diego community. Many facets of the community organizations and programs will be affected financially, whether largely or minimally. The sequestration mandated a 5.1 percent reduction to numerous federally-funded programs, which includes those administered by the County of San Diego Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). As a result, many of the funding for entitlement programs administered by County HCD will be modified.

It is anticipated that the total budget authority for the entitlement programs administered by County HCD-Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) – will be reduced by approximately $450,000 in the upcoming funding cycle. Many of these programs are essential to underserved communities and communities of color. Specifically the Community Development Block Grant is a necessary grant for areas including southeastern San Diego.

Although the County of San Diego advises that projects and programs currently under contract will not be impacted, these budget reductions will result in projects and/or programs being funded at a lower rate, and/or fewer projects will be funded during County Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014). And with the reduction, even less funding will be available for organizations currently providing service to much needed areas.

The County of San Diego acknowledges they will know more about the effects of sequestration in the coming weeks and will provide more specific information as it becomes available. During this time, County HCD will continue to administer programs in a fiscally responsible manner. The County urges the community to contact them with any questions you may have.

The Federal Sequestration, which went into effect on March 1, affects not only the nation as a whole, but the San Diego community. Many facets of the community organizations and programs will be affected financially, whether largely or minimally. The sequestration mandated a 5.1 percent reduction to numerous federally-funded programs, which includes those administered by the County of San Diego Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). As a result, many of the funding for entitlement programs administered by County HCD will be modified.

It is anticipated that the total budget authority for the entitlement programs administered by County HCD-Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) – will be reduced by approximately $450,000 in the upcoming funding cycle. Many of these programs are essential to underserved communities and communities of color. Specifically the Community Development Block Grant is a necessary grant for areas including southeastern San Diego.
Although the County of San Diego advises that projects and programs currently under contract will not be impacted, these budget reductions will result in projects and/or programs being funded at a lower rate, and/or fewer projects will be funded during County Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014). And with the reduction, even less funding will be available for organizations currently providing service to much needed areas.
The County of San Diego acknowledges they will know more about the effects of sequestration in the coming weeks and will provide more specific information as it becomes available. During this time, County HCD will continue to administer programs in a fiscally responsible manner. The County urges the community to contact them with any questions you may have.

Tavis Smiley: We Are Failing Our Children


(CNN) — The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced that the unemployment rate fell to 8.2%. That should have been a signal that jobs are coming back and that the economy is about to rebound. But, as many economists say, the numbers fell primarily because unemployed Americans have become so discouraged with trying to find a job that they’ve simply quit looking.

Because nearly one-third of the American middle class, mostly families with children, have fallen into poverty or are one paycheck away from poverty, it is paramount that we dissect the root causes of this mass disenfranchisement within the American workforce. This was the motivation behind “The Poverty Tour: A Call to Conscience,” our 18-city bus tour that traveled across the country last year. It was designed to bring more attention to the plight of impoverished Americans.

These citizens do not fit the negative stereotypes and propaganda that we’ve heard during the Republican presidential primary contests. The candidates who have vowed to cut government subsidies speak of the poor as if their constituents had been exempted from the millions who, despite their middle-class identification and aspirations, now fall beneath the established poverty line.

The people we met aren’t lazy or eager to live off so-called government entitlements. We spoke with formerly middle-class parents who were thrust into poverty when one or both lost their salaries. We heard the stories of single mothers and fathers, military veterans and former high-wage employees desperately trying to re-enter a workforce that no longer pays living wages.

South Africa: Mandela in hospital with lung infection


5-World-Mandela_hospitalizedJOHANNESBURG — Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa’s first black president, has been admitted to a hospital with a recurring lung infection, the presidential spokesman said Thursday.

Mandela, 94, has become increasingly frail in recent years and has been hospitalized several times since last year, most recently earlier this month when he underwent what authorities said was a scheduled medical test. The Nobel laureate is a revered figure in South Africa, which has honored his legacy of reconciliation by naming buildings and other places after him and printing his image on national banknotes.

“I’m so sorry. I’m sad,” said Obed Mokwana, a Johannesburg resident. “I just try to pray all the time. He must come very strong again.”

The Nobel laureate was admitted to a hospital just before midnight Wednesday “due to the recurrence of his lung infection,” the office of President Jacob Zuma said in a statement.

“Doctors are attending to him, ensuring that he has the best possible expert medical treatment and comfort,” the statement said. It appealed “for understanding and privacy in order to allow space to the doctors to do their work.”

Presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj said Mandela was in a hospital in the South African capital of Pretoria, but he did not specify which one.

In December, Mandela spent three weeks in a hospital in Pretoria, where he was treated for a lung infection and had a procedure to remove gallstones.

Maharaj acknowledged there was cause for worry, but said the medical specialists treating Mandela were very competent.

“The health has been OK given his age, but the downturn last night — obviously when the lung infection recurs, the doctors will want to do everything possible and make sure that they don’t allow the infection to spread, that they arrest it as quickly as possible,” Maharaj said in an interview with eNCA, a South African news channel.

He said there had been a global outpouring of messages expressing concern for Mandela’s health.

Zuma wished Mandela a speedy recovery, referring to him affectionately by his clan name, “Madiba.”

“We appeal to the people of South Africa and the world to pray for our beloved Madiba and his family and to keep them in their thoughts. We have full confidence in the medical team and know that they will do everything possible to ensure recovery,” the presidential statement quoted Zuma as saying.

Mandela spent a night in a hospital and was released on March 10 following a medical test. At that time, spokesman Maharaj said Mandela was “well.”

In February 2012, Mandela spent a night in a hospital for minor diagnostic surgery to determine the cause of an abdominal complaint. In January 2011, he was admitted to a Johannesburg hospital for what officials initially described as tests but what turned out to be an acute respiratory infection. He was discharged days later.

He also had surgery for an enlarged prostate gland in 1985.

Under South Africa’s white-minority apartheid regime, Mandela served 27 years in prison, where he contracted tuberculosis, before being released in 1990. He later became the nation’s first democratically elected president in 1994 under the banner of the African National Congress, helping to negotiate a relatively peaceful end to apartheid despite fears of much greater bloodshed. He served one five-year term as president before retiring.

Perceived successes during Mandela’s tenure include the introduction of a constitution with robust protections for individual rights and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a panel that heard testimony about apartheid-era violations of human rights as a kind of national therapy session. South Africa still struggles with crime, economic inequality and other social ills.

Mandela last made a public appearance on a major stage when South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup soccer tournament.

He had spent more time in the rural village of Qunu in Eastern Cape province, where he grew up. He was visited there in August by Hillary Clinton, who was U.S. secretary of state at the time.

Doctors said in December that he should remain at his home in the Johannesburg neighborhood of Houghton for the time being to be close to medical facilities that can provide the care he needs.

During Mandela’s previous hospitalizations, the South African government had criticized some media outlets for what it described as rumor-mongering and a failure to respect the privacy of the former leader and his family. The media, in turn, expressed concern about an alleged lack of transparency and occasionally conflicting reports from officials.

Maharaj, the presidential spokesman, told eNCA on Thursday that authorities were mindful of public interest in Mandela’s health, but would allow the medical team to focus on treating the former president.

“Our updates will be dependent always on what the doctors tell us and we are not pressurizing them to give us updates every few hours,” he said. “We think that they should attend to their work. We are confident that they know that if there is an upturn for the good, or for the bad, they will always keep us informed.”

Protesters March Against Chicago School Closures


Hundreds of teachers, parents and other opponents marched through downtown Wednesday, vowing to fight a plan to close 54 Chicago Public Schools, despite Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s comments that he’s done negotiating and the closings are essentially a done deal.

Emanuel and schools chief Barbara Byrd-Bennett say the nation’s third-largest district must close dozens of schools because CPS faces a $1 billion budget shortfall and has too many schools that are half-empty and failing academically.

At a rally before the march, Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis called the closings “injustices” and said lawsuits are planned. Other speakers called for state and federal lawmakers to intervene.

“There are many ways that you can show that this is not over,” Lewis told the protesters, whose march filled the street and stretched a full city block. “On the first day of school you show up at your real school. Don’t let these people take your school.”

Stopping in front of City Hall, the protesters chanted “Save our Schools” and called for Emanuel’s ouster. More than 100 people who had planned to be arrested sat down in the middle of the street, where they continued chanting until police cleared them from the area and issued citations.

Retired teacher Gloria Warner, 62, was among those sitting arm-in-arm with other protesters in the roadway, which was blocked off to rush hour traffic.

“We need the mayor and CPS to invest in our schools, not take them away,” the grandmother of two CPS students said. “We need our schools for the safety of our children.”

A group of Chicago ministers also went to City Hall on Wednesday to deliver a letter asking Emanuel to halt the plan.

CPS and the mayor say the closings will save the district $560 million over 10 years in capital costs and an additional $43 million per year in operating costs. About 30,000 students — almost all of them in Kindergarten to eighth grade — would be affected.

At a press conference on an unrelated topic Wednesday, the mayor said he and Byrd-Bennett already are working out how to carry through on a pledge that every child who is moved ends up at a higher quality school. He said the closings already have been delayed too long.

“Keeping open a school that is falling short year-in and year-out means we haven’t done what we are responsible for; not what our parents did for us and what we owe every child in the city of Chicago,” Emanuel said.

Critics say the closings disproportionately affect minority neighborhoods and will uproot kids who need a stable and familiar environment in which to learn. They also worry that students will have to cross gang lines to get to a new school, and that the vacated buildings will be blight on already struggling communities.

Jonathan Hollingsworth III, a lunchroom manager at CPS, said he’s also concerned that the plan will leave hundreds of workers jobless. He said he voted for Emanuel but won’t do so again.

“He’s downsizing everything in the damn city. It’s take it or leave it,” Hollingsworth said. “Keep this in mind: Come election time, all of these people will have the last laugh.”

Opponents of the plan will get another chance to argue their case at a series of public meetings that will be scheduled in coming weeks, though the Chicago Board of Education — whose members are all appointed by Emanuel — is expected to approve the closings in late May.

The closings would take effect beginning at the start of the 2013-2014 school year.

A Sudan in Transition Presents First-Ever Film for Oscars

SAMY MAGDY | Associated Press

CAIRO (AP) – Nearly two years after the overthrow of autocrat Omar al-Bashir, Sudan is taking steps to rejoin the international community from which it was long shunned. That includes its film industry.

For the first time in its history, Sudan has a submission for the Academy Awards. Produced by a consortium of European and Egyptian companies but with a Sudanese director and cast, “You Will Die at Twenty” will compete in the Best International Feature Film category.

The story follows a young man whose death at the age of 20 is prophesied not long after his birth, casting a shadow over his formative years, and parallels the burdens placed on a generation of Sudan’s young people.

Based on a short story by Sudanese novelist Hammour Ziyada, critics say it demonstrates that the country’s cultural scene is reawakening after decades of oppression.

The film was produced amid mass demonstrations against al-Bashir, who was toppled by the military in April 2019 after ruling the country for nearly 30 years.

“It was an adventure,” filmmaker Amjad Abu Alala told The Associated Press. “There were protests in the streets that had grown to a revolution by the beginning of filming.”

Sudan’s uprising erupted in late 2018, and as the number of people in the streets swelled, many of them young, the military stepped in and toppled the Islamist president. Since then, the country has embarked on a fragile transition to democracy, ending years of theocratic rule that limited artists’ freedoms.

The film’s submission was announced in November by the country’s ministry of culture, a month before the second anniversary of the start of the uprising.

It follows a narrative written by Ziyada in the early 2000s that chronicles the life of a child in 1960s in a remote village, located between the Blue and White Nile rivers. The inhabitants are largely guided by ancient Sufi beliefs and traditions, a mystical strain of Islam.

The film starts when a mother, Sakina, takes her newborn boy to a Sufi ceremony at a nearby shrine as a blessing. As a sheikh gives his blessing, a man in traditional clothing performs a meditative dance, suddenly stopping after 20 turns, falling to the ground – a bad omen.

The frightened mother appeals to the Sheikh to give an explanation. But he says, “God’s command is inevitable.” At this point, the crowd understands this is a prophecy predicting the child will die at 20.

Stunned and frustrated, the father leaves his wife and son, named Muzamil, to face their fate alone.

Muzamil grows up under the watchful eye of his overprotective mother, who wears black in anticipation of his early demise. He is haunted by the prophecy – even other children name him “the son of death.”

Despite that, Muzamil proves to be an inquisitive boy full of life. His mother allows him to go to study the Quran. He receives praise for his memorization and recitation of verses. Then comes a turning point.

A cinematographer, Suliman, returns to the village after years working abroad. Muzamil, who is by now working as an assistant to the village shopkeeper, gets to know him through delivering him alcohol, a social taboo.

Suliman, who lives with a prostitute, opens Muzamil’s eyes to the outside world. Through their discussions, he starts to doubt the prophecy that has governed his life so far and torn his family apart.

As he turns 19, Muzamil takes it upon himself to decide what it means to be alive, even as death beckons.

The film has received positive reviews from international critics. It premiered at the 2019 Venice International Film Festival’s parallel section, Venice Days. It won the Lion of the Future for Best First Feature – the first Sudanese film to do so. Since then, it has won at least two dozen awards at film festivals worldwide.

Abu Alala says his team tackled obstacles in making the film, thrown up by the same conservative milieu that it depicts. He blames the environment created by al-Bashir, who came to power in an Islamist-backed military coup in 1989. Under his rule, limited personal freedoms meant art was viewed with suspicion by many.

One major challenge, he said, was that local residents at the initial filming location objected to their presence. The crew was forced to move, but they persevered.

“We believed that it should be done under any circumstances,” Abu Alala said. He says that it was lucky that the film’s production period coincided with the cultural watershed moment of the uprising. The previous government wouldn’t have been a proponent of his work.

The movie has also been met with commendations from inside the region.

“It is a very real and local film that makes the audience feel all of its details whenever and whoever they are,” wrote Egyptian film critic Tarik el-Shenawy.

The film is only the eighth to be made inside Sudan. Abu Alala says that its selection shows Sudan has countless stories that remain untold.

“There wasn’t a film industry existing in Sudan – only individual attempts … Sudan’s rulers – communists or Islamists – were not interested in cinema. They just were interested in having artists on their sides,” he said.

Now, he hopes that he and other filmmakers will have the freedom to share Sudan’s stories with the world.

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